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And it might, assuming that's the case, then convey certain things, things we cannot control, things that are fatal, voluntarily uncontrolled. We need to find a compromise between what we control and what we provoke. --Jean Nouvel What hides in darkness and what truths it veils. --Andrew Crozier 0 That some things are lost some occluded And of whether these categories are discrete or if one may be solved in the other-- That loss may be a form whose element is time That, in time, questions of loss become questions of faith i as one passing through Ca' Rezzonico Museo del Settecento--the city in decline already, the great dream turning lucid, eyelids trembling, the lagoon picking up natural light--may pause before Dama Velata: Antonio Corradini's marble bust of Purity depicted according to convention as a young woman but (this is new) with her face covered, the veil a device to show the artist's skill at rendering fluency in stone-- urge to touch & try its I want to say ductility; ductile: might have meant easily led but doesn't--so it appears to stream down her forehead & nose, sweeping to gather at her right shoulder, hang more loose upon her left, edges embroidered with a homely button pattern drawn across her breast al cielo e al tempo ... A marble veil. Corradini's specialty. ii These are the hidden sayings that the living Yeshua spoke and Yehuda Toma the twin recorded ... so it begins. Hidden sayings: enshaje ethep (Coptic) ethep: hidden/secret/obscure-- translators must choose. ... the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and have hidden them ... There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed ... The translator has chosen. That some things are better seen obscured--that's veil logic for you. That it is the wish for clarity distorts? Veil logic. Some things are lost according to convention. Is Dama Velata's face occluded or lost for good? Lost, I'd say, supposing it exists, but things get through: beauty--absolute: conventional-- and that her hair is plaited, and that her eyes are closed--not downcast: closed as in reverie. Nothing that is hidden is lost, but at the same time nothing that is found is absolutely new ... iii flickering candescence-- phosphors vexed livid like sun-dazzle on choppy waters ... silence--primed, held-- then light once more shook out to flare taut as a wind-snapped sheet on a clothesline ... in the small hours creeping to wake you that we both might witness the revelation: the flashbulb-lit marbling of cloud amphitheaters, it was ours ours for a moment-- almost we could have read by that light but what would we have read my head in your lap both of us looking out over crazed rooftops, terraces chimney pots, aerials shuttered windows, bell towers the tessellated congeries of the Dorsoduro skyline stuccoed fa�ades courtyard an orchestra pit open below us-- il lampo che candisce alberi e muri e li sorprende in quella eternit� d'istante, something like that, strana sorella? iv or The Aspern Papers, the great, terrible bit where Miss Bordereau appears at our man's shoulder just as he is about to pilfer-- so he reckons-- her long-dead lover's letters, the green shade lifted from her eyes once & for all (that she is blind has only just been revealed-- her niece, incredulous, asking the narrator Do you think she can see? ) and then: there in her nightdress, in the doorway of her room ... her hands were raised, she had lifted the everlasting curtain that covered half her face, and for the first, the last, the only time I beheld her extraordinary eyes. They glared at me, they made me horribly ashamed.... I went toward her, to tell her I meant no harm. She waved me off with her old hands, retreating before me in horror ... next thing I knew she had fallen back with a quick spasm, as if death had descended on her ... Unforgettable--except I'd managed to forget. v but none of the five sacred facts concerning Giorgione help with La Tempesta or, as it appears in the Gallerie dell'Accademia, La Zingarella e il Soldato though surely that is Eve-- sullen, imperfectly rendered, right leg dislocated-- giving Cain suck--These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom ...-- Adam looking on, proud, contrapposto, propped on his staff, dressed up like a soldier in his cutaway crimson jacket ... You were ready; I was not. Early days and our illustrious progenitors oblivious to the rebuke that jags the sky above Castelfranco, the city walls emblazoned with the Carraresi coat of arms-- A city built upon a high hill & fortified cannot fall, nor can it be hidden; blind, also, to the riches of the earth, the herbs of the field that they will work in sorrow & sweat all the days of their life starting tomorrow: for the now all eyes are on the bairn. vi and there it is again in Carducci: A le cineree trecce alzato il velo verde.... A sit-down meal in Venice is rarely a good idea. Street food's where it's at. Locals move at speed, heads bowed, monastic. Bloated & self-medicated, pushing forty, I approach enough's enough from different angles. Is the vineyard owner a good man or an usurer: ourome enchre[sto]s or ourome enchre[ste]s? The restorer must choose. Either way his servants will be beaten, his son murdered either way. Cinereous, out of puff, competing with the gargoyle on Santa Maria Formosa that so offended Ruskin ... And did Yeshua's mother give him life or lies? A century after Corradini veiled busts were all the rage: for Strazza, Rossi, Monti they represented the soul of Italy, a secular Madonna vanilla-bonded, a contrivance aiming to stir emotions maybe not especially deep. Il velo verde. If the phrase "green shade" occurs five times there must be something in it. vii Not that it is historical, I mean the Fall in La Tempesta, Adam & Eve as louche Venetians, worldly, too cool; it is eternal, waiting to be found everywhere, then & now--call it The Soldier and the Gypsy Girl, call it the story of a man of letters who dreams of being a thief until life makes him a gardener--a little green thought goes a long way. We cannot all have our gardens now nor our pleasant fields to meditate in at eventide ... As for us, recusants for life, childless & at large among Mother Italy's crop of spoiled bambini, our money goes on bottled water, pistachio gelato, faux Murano baubles, tickets for Damien Hirst's hot tat ... Things to see, free stuff, the Regata Storica-- pick a color: cheer it: green: why not. Should your boat win it hardly matters. In this dream we're all to ourselves with love to squander like so much future-perfect guilt. And they are like children living in a field that is not theirs ... viii Always all already over, corybantic rapture, the never-achieved republic of promise, fantastic & involved, infamous pretender eating the bread of bitterness, city without sound, even the shade of that which once was great is passed away. Ruskin went to ground here, Rilke came to grief--on his first visit after the war: You do not know, Princess, how altogether different the world is now ... Whoever thinks of living as he used to will find himself continually caught in the mere once-again and its sterility.... Ten decades on fascist Salvini tweets with Trumpian scare-quotes: "Censimento" dei Rom e controllo dei soldi pubblici spesi ... while the Madonna nods in dumb assent wie eine Nymphe die den Zeus empfing and those variegated stones of Venice-- jasper & porphyry, serpentine spotted with flecks of snow, her bluest veins to kiss-- lilt & dazzle as she lifts San Giorgio like a sunstruck wineglass and gazes languidly into the waves. ix ten years of glory-- court sculptor, Vienna: 1,700 florins per annum (plus expenses)--till the fashion turns: begins the unending search for a not-unreliable benefactor, and the trials, and the schemes, and Vestale Velata that had to be done without a commission and that then never sold; then back to Naples for one last job: Verit� Velata: Veiled Truth: one final work in marble, a statue, a funerary ornament for Cecilia Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona, his patron's mother whose passing called for something less monumental--not this embarrassment to mourning, accomplishment exceeding its occasion, by one too often overlooked, too much to prove; or did he, Antonio Corradini, first man in Italy to fight for--& win--a legal distinction between mason & sculptor, between work & art, think of his father whose prime was spent stitching canvas for latin-rigs on the triremes and packing up the shrouds for the brigantines, such being his trade, he being a veler ? Source: Poetry (December 2019) * * * * [115]Previous in Issue [116]Next in Issue This Poem Appears In [117]Poetry Magazine Cover, December 2019 [118]Read Issue (BUTTON) More About this Poem [119]Previous in Issue [120]Next in Issue More Poems by Paul Batchelor * [121]The Discoverer's Man By Paul Batchelor * [122]Brantwood Senilia By Paul Batchelor [123]See All Poems by this Author * + [124]Poems o [125]All Poems o [126]Poem Guides o [127]Audio Poems o [128]Collections * + [129]Poets o [130]All Poets * + [131]Articles o [132]Essays o [133]Interviews o [134]Profiles o [135]All Articles * + [136]Video o [137]All Video * + [138]Podcasts o [139]All Podcasts o [140]Audio Poem of the Day * + [141]Learn o [142]Children o [143]Teens o [144]Adults o [145]Educators o [146]Glossary of Poetic Terms o [147]Poetry Out Loud * + [148]Events o [149]All Past Events o [150]Exhibitions * + [151]Poetry Magazine o [152]Current Issue o [153]Poetry Magazine Archive o [154]Subscriptions o [155]About the Magazine o [156]How to Submit o [157]Advertise with Us * + [158]About Us o [159]Give o [160]Visit o [161]Library o [162]Foundation News o [163]Awards & Grants o [164]Media Partnerships o [165]People o [166]Press Releases o [167]Contact Us o [168]Jobs * Find us on Twitter * Find us on Facebook * Find us on Instagram * Find us on Facebook Poetry Foundation Children * Find us on Twitter Poetry Magazine * [169]Contact Us * [170]Newsletters * [171]Press * [172]Privacy Policy * [173]Terms of Use * [174]Poetry Mobile App * 61 West Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60654 * � 2024 Poetry Foundation [175]See a problem on this page? (BUTTON) (BUTTON) More About This Poem The Marble Veil By Paul Batchelor About this Poet Image of Paul Batchelor Paul Batchelor was born in Northumberland. His most recent book is The Love Darg (Clutag Press, 2014). He teaches creative writing at Durham University, UK. 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