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Mirror: jamaica-gleaner-com-article-lead-stories-20241102-scouting-movement-committed-steering-youth-away-crime-2024-11-02

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[1]Skip to main content Top Menu * [2]Mobile Apps * [3]eGleaner * [4]Login * [5]Subscribe Now Sat | Nov 2, 2024 Search ________________________________________ Search * [6]Menu Main menu * [7]Home * [8]Lead Stories * [9]News * [10]Sports * [11]Entertainment * [12]Business * [13]Letters * [14]Commentary * [15]Health * [16]Lifestyle Secondary Menu * [17]World News * [18]In Focus * [19]Auto * [20]Food * [21]Shipping * [22]Art & Leisure * [23]Classifieds * [24]Elections * [25]Flair * [26]Heritage * [27]Jobs * [28]Podcast * [29]Puzzles [30]Mobile version [31]Subscribe to this feed [32]Join us on Facebook [33]Follow us on Twitter Scouting movement committed to steering youth away from crime Published:Saturday | November 2, 2024 | 12:05 AM[34]Albert Ferguson/Gleaner Writer * [35]Photo * [36]Video WESTERN BUREAU: Dr Horace Betton, former president of the Boys' Brigade of Jamaica (BBJ), emphasises that the principles and values central to the scouting movement are essential tools for young people navigating tough challenges in their lives. Betton spoke passionately about the role of scouting at the 114th National Leaders Conference of the Scout Association of Jamaica in St Ann, highlighting the urgent need to guide youth away from crime. "These are difficult times, and our kids are going through challenges that we often overlook," said Betton, a former youth advocate who also served as chief medical officer at St Ann's Bay Hospital. "High schools are now plagued by gang influences - you only need to look at the rising number of violent incidents within school boundaries." Headlines Delivered to Your Inbox [37]Sign up for The Gleaner's morning and evening newsletters. Speaking under the theme `Scouting Today, Tomorrow, and Forever', Betton urged scout leaders to recognise the importance of their roles in shaping young lives, stressing that their guidance can offer a much-needed alternative to crime and gang culture. "Many young people today are in survival mode, facing hardships at home and at school," Betton explained. "Scouting offers a path to adventure, learning, and a positive sense of community, instilling values that build courage and resilience in overcoming life's challenges." CREATING SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENTS Betton further highlighted the movement's commitment to creating supportive environments that foster personal growth, leadership skills, and a sense of belonging. "Through these initiatives, we can help our youth avoid the traps of gang culture and, instead, build a future of potential and opportunity," he said. The conference also saw the election of 42-year-old Kevin Richards as the association's first chief commissioner designate, under a new policy allowing all members to participate in electing their leader. Richards, who will work closely with current Chief Commissioner Garth Russell through the 2024-2025 administrative year, is set to assume full responsibilities in 2026. "I am committed to the growth of the Scout Association of Jamaica, aiming to make it the leading informal education and uniform group in Jamaica," said Richards, who has been part of the movement since 1990 and currently serves as director of international affairs. With over a century of service, the Scout Association of Jamaica continues to play a critical role in fostering positive development among Jamaica's youth. 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